
Prof. Rui-Qi Wu

Principal Investigator

Research Directions
Functional magnetic resonance imaging methods and applications
Contact  Information
Address: Institutes of Brain Science, Fudan University, 131 Dong Road, Shanghai 200032, China

Email: ruiqiwu@fudan.edu.cn

Dr. Ruiqi Wu received her Ph.D. from the University of Chinese Academy of Science in 2014. From 2014 to 2017, she trained as a postdoc at Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science. From 2017 to 2020, she was an associate professor at the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She has been a principal investigator at the Institute of Brain Science at Fudan University since 2020.

Dr. Wu focuses on high-filed magnetic resonance imaging methods and applications and is interested in deciphering information encoding in sensory systems and studying neuronal circuits in health and disease in vivo by combining functional magnetic resonance imaging with multi-channel electrophysiological recording, specific neuromodulation, and neurotropic virus tracing.  She has published over 20 academic papers, including NeuroImage (5)、Journal of Neuroscience (4)、PNASNeuronCell DiscoveryNature CommunicationsEuropean Radiology


Enrollment Major


Selected Publications

1. Zhu H#, Tao Y#, Wang S#, Zhu X, Lin K, Zheng N, Chen LM*, Xu F*, Wu R*(2024). fMRI, LFP, and anatomical evidence for hierarchical nociceptive routing pathway between somatosensory and insular cortices. NeuroImage. 289:120549 

2. Wu R, Wang F, Yang PF, Gore JC, Chen LM* (2022). Graph Theory Analysis Identified Two Hubs that Connect Sensorimotor and Cognitive and Cortical and Subcortical Nociceptive Networks in the Non-human Primate. NeuroImage. 257:119244

3. Wu R, Yang PF, Wang F, Liu Q, Gore JC, Chen LM* (2022). Differential Recovery of Submodality Touch Neurons and Inter-areal Communication in Sensory Input Deprived Area 3b and S2 Cortices. J Neurosci. 42 (50) 9330-9342

4. Wu R, Wang F, Yang PF, Chen LM* (2017). High-resolution Functional MRI Identified Distinct Global Intrinsic Functional Networks of Nociceptive Posterior Insula and S2 regions in Squirrel Monkey Brain. Neuroimage. 155:147-158

5. Wu R*, Liu Y, Wang L, Li B, Xu F* (2017). Activity patterns elicited by airflow in the olfactory bulb and their possible functions. J Neurosci. 37(44):10700-10711

138 Yixueyuan Road, Shanghai 200032, China; Tel:021-54237641   

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