The core facility is built to enable usage of state-of-the-art research equipments and plays a significant role in improving standards of scientific research and training of highly qualified scientists. It is divided into two subgroups, the molecular and cellular imaging platform and models for brain disease and behavior platform. The establishment of our core facility has its roots in the advances in biomedical engineering with strong financial support from “985 national foundation”. The center currently runs many large pieces of equipment including an Olympus FV1000 confocal microscope, a PE live cell image system and a newly equipped Cell Vizio fiber based confocal microscope. The facility's staff includes professors and research scientists with PhD or Master's degrees in the fields of neuroscience. There are 8 technical support staffs in our facility,not only providing professional services but also help users develop new methodology and research protocols.
138 Yixueyuan Road, Shanghai 200032, China; Tel:021-54237641
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