Item Name: Cell Vizio
Cellvizio LAB is a high definition, probe-based confocal fluorescence microscope that enables researchers to observe and quantify physiological phenomena at both cellular and sub-cellular levels in vivo within laboratory animal subjects. Provided as a complete solution, with either a 488 nm excitation laser, Microprobes and ImageCell™ Software for easy acquisition and processing,
The LSU incorporates sophisticated optics to scan the confocal plane through the fiber bundle. Sensitive, single-pixel detection of fluorescence stimulated by the photodiode laser pulse through each fiber element, combined with the high scan rate allows the study of dynamic processes in vivo.
- Point-scanning confocal microscope technology
- Sensitive, single pixel detection
- 488 nm excitation configuration
- Safe, class 2, photodiode laser
Contact Information:
Dr. Min Jiang Room 1104, Mingdao Building Tel: 54237591