Core Facilities
Startle Response System for Mouse


Item Name: Startle Response System for Mouse
Manufacturer: Med Associates, USA
Location:Mouse Facility (A)

Startle is a fast twitch of facial and body muscles evoked by a sudden and intense stimulus. Under appropriate experimental conditions, startle has a non-zero baseline and can be enhanced or attenuated. Therefore, it serves as a valuable behavioral tool to assess mechanisms of sensorimotor response. This system can present startle tone or noise, and background white noise. Data can be viewed graphically and also available in text format. This system allows investigators to set-up programs for performing both prepulse inhibition of startle (PPI), and fear-potentiated startle (FPS) experiments.

Contact Information:
Dr. Linyun Liu, Ph.D.    Tel: (021)54237855  E-mail:
Dr. Qian Huang, Ph.D    Tel: (021)54237855  E-mail:


138 Yixueyuan Road, Shanghai 200032, China; Tel:021-54237641   

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