Core Facilities
Water-maze Video Tracking System for Mouse

Item Name: Water-maze Video Tracking System for Mouse
Manufacturer: Coulbourn, USA
Type: WaterMaze
Location:Mouse Facility (D)

This system includes CCD Camera with auto-iris zoom lens, image acquisition board and video cable, WaterMaze data collection and analysis software, etc. Swim paths can be exported to standard drawing programs. Movies of each trial can be stored and viewed in the WaterMaze Analysis windows or exported to PowerPoint and other presentation software. Analyses can be viewed for single trials or exported for multiple trials directly to Excel. Parameters include thigmotaxis, Moser's zones, Whishaw's corridor, Gallagher's proximity, quadrant times and crossings and more.

Contact Information:
Dr. Linyun Liu, Ph.D.    Tel: (021)54237855  E-mail:
Dr. Qian Huang, Ph.D    Tel: (021)54237855  E-mail:

138 Yixueyuan Road, Shanghai 200032, China; Tel:021-54237641   

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