Core Facilities
Conditioned Place Preference System for Mouse

Item Name: Conditioned Place Preference System for Mouse
Manufacturer: Med Associates, USA
Location:Mouse Facility (E)

Conditioned place preference is based on the association of the putative rewarding internal state produced by a drug with a set of neutral environmental cues. When given a choice, animals will spend more time in an environment in which they were previously under the influence of a reinforcing drugs. This system contains four chambers with three distinct compartments that can be separated by optional manual or automatic guillotine doors. Chambers include a grid rod style floor in the white compartment and a mesh style floor in the black compartment. Animal position is tracked by infrared photobeam detectors installed along the chamber walls. Four animals could be tested simultaneity.
Contact Information:
Dr. Linyun Liu, Ph.D.    Tel: (021)54237855  E-mail:
Dr. Qian Huang, Ph.D    Tel: (021)54237855  E-mail:

138 Yixueyuan Road, Shanghai 200032, China; Tel:021-54237641   

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