Prof. Gang Peng
Principal Investigator
Research Direction
Molecular mechanisms underlying nervous system development and behavior in the zebrafish Danio rerio
Contact Information
Address: Room 1012, Mingdao Building, Institutes of Brain Scienc, Fudan University, 138 Yixueyuan Road, Shanghai 200032, China
Tel: 021-54237818 Fax: 021-54237643 Email: gpeng@fudan.edu.cn
Dr. Gang Peng is a Principal Investigator at the Institutes of Brain Science and State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Pennsylvania State University School of Medicine in 2002. He was a postdoctoral research associate in Dr. Monte Westerfield’s laboratory in the Institute of Neuroscience in the University of Oregon between 2002 and 2008. He joined the Institutes of Brain Science and the State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, Fudan University in September 2008.
Dr. Peng’s research has been focused on the molecular mechanisms underlying nervous system development and behavior in the zebrafish Danio rerio. The long term goal of his research is two-fold: to determine how external stimuli are processed by the neural circuits in the zebrafish brain to direct its adaptive behaviors; and to learn how the central neural circuits responsible for these behaviors are specified genetically and molecularly. In addition, his research group is generating zebrafish models of nervous system diseases and mental disorders, with the goal to provide novel routes for the understanding of the genetic underpinnings and the treatment of those diseases.
Enrollment Major
Research Work
1. Early development of forebrain axon tracts
2. Polarity and asymmetric outgrowth of neuron
3. Aversion and central neural circuits
Selected Publications
Chen S, Zhang H, Wang F, Zhang W and Peng G* (2016). nr0b1 (DAX1) Mutation in Zebrafish Causes Female-to-Male Sex Reversal through Abnormal Gonadal Proliferation and Differentiation. Mol Cell Endocrinol, 433:105-16.
Wang F, Zhang H, Gao J, Chen F, Chen S, Zhang C, Peng G* (2016). Rapid and accurate synthesis of TALE genes from synthetic oligonucleotides. BioTechniques, 60(6):299-305.
Chen F, Chen S, Liu S, Zhang C, Peng G * (2015). Effects of lorazepam and WAY-200070 in larval zebrafish light/dark choice test. Neuropharmacology, 95:226-33.
Gao JX, Zhang CW, Yang B, Sun L, Zhang CZ, Westerfield M, and Peng G* (2012). Dcc Regulates Asymmetric Outgrowth of Forebrain Neurons in Zebrafish. PLoS One,7(5): e36516.
Zhang CW, Gao JX, Zhang HF, Sun L, Peng G* (2012). Robo2-Slit and Dcc-Netrin1 Coordinate Neuron Axonal Pathfinding within the Embryonic Axon Tracts. J Neurosci,32(36):12589-12602 .