Email: biaoyan@fudan.edu.cn
研究方向为视觉与运动功能修复。采用材料学、工程学、光遗传学、行为学等多种交叉学科手段,开发用于修复视觉及运动功能的新方法,包括:利用氧化钛纳米线阵列重建盲小鼠视觉功能,开发多点光遗传刺激器件精确调控肢体运动,以及开发小动物多信号采集器件记录小鼠清醒-睡眠期间的眼动、EEG和EMG信号。主要成果发表在Nature Communications、Neuroscience Bulletin、Frontier in Neuroscience等杂志。
1. Yu QP, Fu H, Wang G, Zhang JY*, Yan B*(2021). Short-Term Visual Experience Leads to Potentiation of Spontaneous Activity in Mouse Superior Colliculus. Neurosci Bull. 37(3):353-368
2. Wang ZX, Feng CL, Yang RY, Liu TT, Chen Y, Chen AH, Yan B*, Yuan YZ*, Zhang JY*(2021). Large-Area Photoreceptor Degeneration Model in Rabbits by Photocoagulation and Oxidative Stress in the Retina. Front Neurosci-Switz. 15: 617175
3.Meng QS, Tan XR, Jiang CY, Xiong YY, Yan B*, Zhang JY*(2021). Tracking Eye Movements During Sleep in Mice. Front Neurosci-Switz. 15: 616760
4. Zheng H#, Zhang ZT#, Jiang S#, Yan B#, Shi X, Xie YT, Huang X, Yu ZY, Liu HZ, Weng SJ, Nurmikko A, Zhang YQ, Peng HS*, Xu WD*, Zhang JY*(2019). A shape-memory and spiral light-emitting device for precise multisite stimulation of nerve bundles. Nat Commun. 10: 2790
5. Le QM#, Yan B#, Yu XC, Li YQ, Song HK, Zhu HW, Hou WQ, Ma D,Wu FZ, Zhou YQ, Ma L*(2017). Drug-seeking motivation level in male rats determines offspring susceptibility or resistance to cocaine-seeking behaviour. Nat commun. 8:15527