电话:021-54237869 Email:gling@fudan.edu.cn
龚玲,复旦大学脑科学研究院副研究员。2014年毕业于中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所,2015年至2019在复旦大学脑科学研究院何苗研究员课题组进行博士后研究工作,2019年至2021年任助理研究员。曾以共同第一作者或共同通讯作者在 Cell Reports、Molecular Psychiatry 等期刊发表论文。
1. Gong L#, Liu X#, Wu JY, He M*(2021). Emerging strategies for the genetic dissection of gene functions, cell types, and neural circuits in the mammalian brain. Mol Psychiatr. doi:10.1038/s41380-021-01292-x
2. Hou YJ, Zhang Q, Liu HZ, Wu JY, Shi Y, Qi YQ, Shao MM, Yang ZG, Lu JT, Wu ZH, Gong L*, He M*(2021). Topographical organization of mammillary neurogenesis and efferent projections in the mouse brain. Cell Rep. 34(6): 108712
3. Liu X, Ma L, Liu HZ, Gan JW, Xu YD, Zhang TR, Mu PY, Wu JY, Shi Y, Zhang YB, Gong L, He M*(2020). Cell-Type-Specific Gene Inactivation and In Situ Restoration via Recombinase-Based Flipping of Targeted Genomic Region. J Neurosci. 40(37): 7169-7186
4. Cong W, Shi Y, Qi YQ, Wu JY, Gong L, He M*(2020). Viral approaches to study the mammalian brain: Lineage tracing, circuit dissection and therapeutic applications. J Neurosci Meth. 335: 108629
5. Qiu F, Mao XF, Liu PL, Wu JY, Zhang Y, Sun DJ, Zhu YY, Gong L, Shao MM, Fan KY, Chen JJ, Lu JT, Jiang Y, Zhang YB, Curia G, Lie A, He M*(2020). microRNA deficiency in Vip+ interneurons leads to cortical circuit dysfunction. Cereb Cortex. 30(4): 2229-2249