
熊 曼







Email: man_xiong@fudan.edu.cn

熊曼,研究员,博士生导师,国家高层次青年人才,2013年获得复旦大学附属儿科医院医学博士学位,2013-2016年在美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校从事博士后研究工作,2015-2020年在复旦大学附属儿科医院任副研究员/研究员。主要成果发表于Cell Stem Cell (2015、2016、2021), Cell Reports(2021), iScience(2020,2022),Journal of Clinical Investigation (2022), Brain(2023), Stem Cell Res Ther.(2024)等多个杂志。先后获得上海市科技启明星、上海市医学优秀青年人才培养计划、上海市青年学术带头人称号,2022.1月加入脑科学研究院担任课题组组长。







1. Wu M#, Xu Y#, Ji X, Zhou Y, Li Y, Feng B, Cheng Q, He H, Peng X, Zhou W, Chen Y, Xiong M*(2024). Transplanted deep-layer cortical neuroblasts integrate into host neural circuits and alleviate motor defects in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy injured mice. Stem Cell Res Ther. 15(1):422.

2. Ji X#, Zhou Y#, Gao Q, He H, Wu Z, Feng B, Mei Y, Cheng Y, Zhou W*, Chen Y*, Xiong M*(2023). Functional reconstruction of the basal ganglia neural circuit by human striatal neurons in hypoxic-ischaemic injured brain. Brain. 15: awac358.
3. Ma L#, Mei Y#, Xu P, Cheng Y, You Z, Ji X, Zhuang D, Zhou W, Chen Y, Xiong M*(2022). Fast generation of forebrain oligodendrocyte spheroids from human embryonic stem cells by transcription factors. iScience. 25(10):105172.

4. Dong X#, Yang L#, Liu K, Ji X, Tang C, Li W, Ma L, Mei Y, Peng T, Feng B, Wu Z, Tang Q, Gao Y, Yan K, Zhou W*, Xiong M*(2021). Transcriptional networks identify synaptotagmin-like 3 as a regulator of cortical neuronal migration during early neurodevelopment. Cell Reports. 34(9):108802.

5. Xiong M#, Tao Y#, Gao Q, Feng B, Yan W, Zhou Y, Kotsonis TA, Yuan T, You Z, Wu Z, Xi J, Haberman A, Graham J, Block J, Zhou W, Chen Y*, Zhang SC(2021). Human Stem Cell-Derived Neurons Repair Circuits and Restore Neural Function. Cell Stem Cell. 28(1):112-126.

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